Yarny Thought of the Day

Detangling some cashmere blend yarn for a friend was a mistake. I wanntsssess it! My preciousssss!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saying YES to knitting...

The library is pushing saying YES to patrons.  This is all well and good, as long as the patron regularly returns their items and doesn't want to peek into their neighbors' account information!  Tease.  Really, it's all about customer service.

So far, my knitting has not been about customer service.  One commissioned item, and all the rest has been up to me to do or not.  It's freeing, in a way, but doesn't help me complete things.  Maybe I'll get that ribbon yarn purse finished for Christmas, maybe next Christmas!  Who cares!

Well, I do.  I'm horrible at start-itis, and it's rather unfulfilling to have so many works-in-progress languishing.  So, I thought, Michael's best friends' daughter is getting married, I'll offer to make her a lacy scarf!  Sure, it'll be after the wedding when it's done, but someone else will be counting on my work, and thus I will be motivated to Keep At It.

Of course, the entire week of the event, I'm sniffly and achy and in no condition to celebrate.  So, Michael takes this lovely book to the wedding:
I love that he got me this book.  It's beautiful, informative, and has some killer projects in it!  I just... didn't think he'd give the blushing bride free rein on the patterns!  A scarf, dear, just a scarf... nope.  She picked out the Queen Silvia shawl.  Almost 12 square feet of lacy delicate nuppy goodness.  To be completed in fine fine lacy yarn.

Oh, if I didn't love him so much... or think so much of the girl...

So I got him back.  He's gonna have to budget for me to use a cashmere blend yarn!  HAHAHAAAA!

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