Yarny Thought of the Day

Detangling some cashmere blend yarn for a friend was a mistake. I wanntsssess it! My preciousssss!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Poste The Firste

So, for now, this is not a knitting blog. Don't worry, that'll change, I'm sure. For now, it is a NetTrek 2.0 Learning Blog! Goody! The 7 1/2 Habits slideshow was okay, but a bit slow-paced.

Easiest habit for me? Having confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner! That shouldn't come as any surprise, considering the title I chose for this blog.

Hardest? Teaching/mentoring others. I just don't always communicate what I know to others particularly well. I get too easily frustrated when other people just don't get it. But I still try, sometimes.