It's hard for me to believe, but it's been over ten months since I put down my Sims 2 notebook and picked up knitting needles. I really did switch from one obsession to the other. I was pretty good at making up stories for TS2! This picture is from a Victorian dream sequence that I had in one of my storylines. Yeah, that's me as a Sim. Cute, huh? I really should pick up the mouse again sometime. Really, it was more than playing a game, it was definitely a creative outlet, what with building a virtual town, imagining the characters and then seeing how their lives played out.
So why did knitting take over so much? Well, it's sorta hard to say. I view both as productive creative processes, but not everyone thinks electronic stories are truly worthwhile products. Knitting won out because it's not just the product, it is the process as well. I'm learning so much about fiber, garment construction and shaping, lace, the history of the craft... you just don't quite get that with a game you've pretty much mastered. Knitting, I feel like I'll never master it, but I'll sure as heck learn a lot doing it. Plus it's hard to argue with a warm scarf as a worthwhile product, since it's gotten cold.
If you look closely at my profile picture, it's from the Missourian. They came to our knitting group, and got that lovely picture which shows my Alien scarf, Moebius scarf (which I wear almost every day) and a knitted reuseable grocery bag that I got in a swap. Ah, yes, the lovely lovely products. Now, I better get busy on this Christmas stocking I'm working on...